Gemma's Books on Amazon

Gemma's Books on Amazon
Gemma's Books on Amazon

Joy in Learning!

I, nevertheless, continued to read books! I still do!

You would find me at National Bookstore, my favorite place to go when I was not doing anything! I would buy and read all self-help, leadership and motivating books I could find!

I befriended with Mitch Albom, Richard Bach, Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie, Bo Sanchez, Leo Buscaglia, John Maxwell, Zig Ziglar, Norman Vincent Peale, Anthony Robbins, Stephen Covey, Robert Kiyosaki, Andrew Matthews, Rhonda Byrne, John Gray, Phillip McGraw, Ryuho Okawa, Mike Dooley and recently Eric Worre plus a lot more whom I'd missed!

I attended all the seminars I could find, PSI Seminars, OCCI Seminars.. from Basic Leadership to Advanced Leadership to Training the Trainer! I was not sure what I hope to find, all I knew was that I had this thirst for knowledge, for learning, for more insights! I seemed to have this endless passion to find me. 

To know what I really want, to be certain of where I am and where I want to be.

I am sure everything happens for a reason. I am also sure it is all just a matter of right timing. Just as we cannot force a pupa to metamorphose when it is not yet finished, it is the same way with people. 

Just like me... 



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