Gemma's Books on Amazon

Gemma's Books on Amazon
Gemma's Books on Amazon

An Experiment

Inspired, maybe, by the many books I've read about Positive Thinking, Law of Attraction, Power of the Mind that I've decided to create My Wealthy Blog.

My goal is to create abundance by simply being, knowing and believing. 

Creating abundance doesn't mean just sitting in one corner and not do anything. 

Yes, in our deepest mind, we believe, we know and we become who we want to become, but that doesn't mean we become lazy and unproductive in the process. I believe we become more of the opposite. 

This is an experiment. To apply the power of intention, the law of attraction, the law of positive thinking and most of all to be grateful for all that I am and all that I have.

To know that I could never ask for anything more because I have everything I could ask for. I just have to open my eyes, be ready, and receive God's overflowing blessings and abundance.

In life we always pay the price to achieve our dreams and goals.

The effort that we are putting in transforming our minds, by meditation, forgiveness and love could actually prepare us in receiving our heart's desire.

If we believe we deserve what we are asking, then I believe it will come to pass. 

My wanting to attract abundance for myself, my family and the world around me won't happen tomorrow, that I can guarantee. 

But the insights learned, changes made, make-overs that will happen along the way will pave the way for these efforts to be all worth it- that I believe.


-day 235

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