Gemma's Books on Amazon

Gemma's Books on Amazon
Gemma's Books on Amazon

Starting again...

I do have a WEALTHY BLOG! 

My purpose in starting this blog was to actually help me and the people who intend to join me create abundance in the process!  

Well, it actually started with too many credit cards, and spending much! Story here: Imbalance. This was written on December 13, 2011.

After that was some story reminiscing on
It's not about the Money!!! written on December 20, 2011

followed by the declaration
I am RICH! written on December 22, 2011.

and then some-kind-of-supposed-to-be-motivation write-up Nope, not for all written on December 27, 2011.

Inspired, elated and excited. I've actually started my lessons!

1. Lesson #1 - Seeing Me  January 24, 2012
Lesson #2 - Outside the Box! January 31, 2012
Lesson #3 - It is possible February 7, 2012
Lesson Summary: To be or not to be February 14, 2012

4 months after, I wrote The CASH Challenge! June 12, 2012 and then SAVING Money through Weekly Coupons! on June 13, 2012.

From abundance mindset to scarcity again?! cash challenge and weekly coupons! (though I am not saying that budgeting and saving using coupons are bad) BUT what was I thinking???!

I was supposed to be thinking positive about money, and being abundant and how did I put it? Oh, here it is: 

Are you ready to attract wealth and money by simply being, becoming and knowing?
Mind you, this takes a lot of doing! To be, means to embrace all that is, to pay the price, to give, to let go, to take control, to know thy self, to be ready to accept changes, to take risks, to experiment and to give control.

When the student is ready, the teacher appears.

Are you ready to leap with me?

Reading it again now, It feels very promising, right? and I love my lessons!

But somewhere between February, 2012 to now - October, 2012... there seemed to be a missing link!

Now, 4 months later, I am determined to start again and move forward!
This time with GRATITUDE. 

Lesson #4 - Being Grateful.
coming up next!



-day 234

My Dailies Collection