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Meet Your Future Peers - Day 20/30 #InfinitePossibilitiesProject

Day 20: Meet Your Future Peers

Who are some of the people who’ve accomplished what you now dream of accomplishing? Make a list in your journal of 10 to 20 names, and somewhere within that list include your name. This simple process of associating your name with theirs will remind you that what they’ve done, anyone, including you, can do. Why not? They started out where you started out—a novice, an amateur, a dreamer! We’re all made of the same stuff, the most significant difference between us (really the only difference between us), is our thoughts, words, and actions – and these can be changed, experimented with, and chosen in ways that serve us. Make your list, have fun, imagine “rubbing shoulders” with these future peers of yours, and the day will come when others, inspired by you, will include your name on their list!

As soon as the trainers ended the seminar for our school in the province, I approached one of them. I told one of the guys, I want what they were doing and asked him how I'll be able to do that! He smiled, and he told me to join Toastmasters Club.

That summer I resigned and decided to move to the financial center of our country - Makati, Philippines, and started my quest to finding my mentors, them.  

Determined, I picked a club nearest my location and on my own, courageously attended one of their meetings. Guess who was part of the same club? them. They all became my mentors.

Nothing is by accident or chance. It's all for a purpose, always.


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