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Gemma's Books on Amazon

Finding Time for Time Outs
I have been stuck for a couple of weeks now.  Stuck because I can’t get myself to do some action when I should be!

Maybe, I was having my post-no-summer-syndrome, so I feel like I owe myself some time out.

The best of me would have everybody out of my sight because I will watch a movie. They are of course, free to join me, but my mind was so concentrated on just watching. All else, I am not doing.

For the first time since 2005, I have not had my two months summer break!

For those who have followed my blog, I am sure you know why, but for those who are not, well, since January of this year, I’ve been working in the office, not in schools anymore. So instead of just having a 10 month contract, mine is 12 months. So, now I guess, you know where the ‘I’d rather just watch DVDs’ are coming from.

I have not also written anything for months now. God knows it’s all in my head. Funny, I’d be talking to myself sometimes and one time I overheard my daughter Mymy asked her dad, why I'm talking to myself. Oh my, I guess I should really start writing again.

So here I am, telling everybody, there is value in time-out. I’ve been at it for two weeks now, and I feel it’s time to get out of the habit of watching DVDs when I am not in the office, until I sleep.

My time out has allowed me to internalize The Pursuit of Happyness, Serendipity, Erin Brockovich movie, Moneyball, Jobs, Perfect Pitch and Blindside. Watching these movies the second time around was valuable for sure!

It was fun seating in the couch, cellphone on airplane mode away from me, and hitting the play button, as movies transcend me to places and situations, life events and experiences,  that’s entertaining, time consuming and full of insights.

I’ve just borrowed some more DVDs from the library; it’s been a happy place for me since two weeks ago - the library, because I can borrow DVDs after DVDs for free!

Unfortunately, my online classes have begun already, I guess I will have to limit to 1 per night or not at all if I want to move on and do something more meaningful, I know.

Still, cheers to time out and movies!


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