It gave a warning for me to stop. I did.
I was running a lot of excuses in my mind, but decided to put it all aside. I prayed instead - Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.
A police women came. "Hi!"
I said, "Hello!"
"Ok", she said, "I pulled you over, because you were running at 60mph in a 45 lane".
I said "I'm sorry".
She said "Now do you have driver's license, registration and car insurance?"
I said, "Yes".
There was a pause (Oh, I guess, this was the time when I should have given her everything already), she repeated, "So, you do have your driver's license, registration and insurance?"
I said, "Yes", and took out my driver's license.
She took it, and said, "so you've never been stopped before?"
I said, "No, so it was 60mph really?"
She said "Yes".
I proceeded to get the pile of papers to look for the car's insurance and registration.
I said, "I'm sorry, but I have to look for it", and continued searching for the registration.
She said, "Ok, just hang on for a minute ok?"
I said, "Yes" as I flipped through the papers.
I can't find it!!! But continued with my search.
She came back, "Here's your driver's license"
I took it, puzzled. "So, you won't give me ticket ?"
She said, "No, no ticket. Next time, just run at 45mph ok?"
I said, "Yes!, thank you so much!" "Have a safe day!"
I said, "Thank you, you too!"
1. When a police car pulled you over, PRAY!
2. Follow my husband! He had fun saying "I told you so!!!" too many times when I told him what just happened!
3. I think it also helped that there was a delay in finding the registration and insurance card.
4. It was 12 noon
5. Maybe the police woman took pity on me, since I can barely speak (I've got cough and colds!)
Bottom Line!
Follow the road signs!!!
P.S. Just learned that it could have cost $180.00 for the ticket!