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Gemma's Books on Amazon
Gemma's Books on Amazon

Building My New Place In My Mind

Today, there is this eager wanting for me to move to another place.  

I suddenly want to live in a furnished, beautiful, trendy and stylish house with colorfully decorated Christmas tree, plus chef to prepare our food, driver to drive the car and maid to clean and wash dishes and clothes for us. Grand! Huh? Lol!

Erase the chef, driver and maid, Lol!

Here are the photos of the place:

Welcome to our living room!

Don't you just love to hang around this place? Beautiful right? Perfect place for watching movies, storytelling with friends and just relaxing!

Come to our kitchen!



Now, all I have to do is to cook good food! Lol!

Join me now to look at the kid's bedrooms, starting with Mymy's and then Mimoi's.



Simple, yet cozy right?

And here's our bedroom!


Beautiful, I just want to sleep all day! Lol!

We also have a place for guest, here it is!


Do you like it? :)

Come, let's relax outside and breath the fresh air!


I so love the new place in my mind! I love to move in now!!!

What about you? What's your dream place?


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