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Making the impossible happen.

I'm sure you're also like me.. who would like to believe that all things are possible and there is no such thing as impossible!

See impossible, really is saying, I’m possible!

YES, sometimes, fear and anxiety grips us! 

But here's the bottom line.

1. Keep our faith and belief!
2. Be patient!!!
3. Thank God already!

Whatever our heart's desires are, it will all come true!

I believe it is all God. God has actually placed that desire in our hearts and I am sure, in His own time, He will also make it happen.

Whatever it takes, if we know in our hearts that it belongs to us, then it will come to pass.

Either that or believe in all the negative things, believe in the impossibility of your dreams, focus on what you cannot do and will not happen ever! Put all your energy on why you deserve all the bad things.. and surely it will be done.

No path best to choose but the later.

Let’s continue to be believers of good things.


-day 312


  1. think positive . that's what i always think whenever i am in a position when thing gone wrong ... and somehow it turns out right if not perfect .

  2. Agree with you, I believe all things are possible given the desire to do it and reach the goal.

  3. very nice words for today!! indeed think positive and think god first always, he wont give any hard problems that we cant handle xx

  4. Yeah your right always think positive. And have FAITH in GOD, He will be your guide. AMEN!

  5. I also am a believer that anything is possible and limitations are endless as long as we have a commitment towards that goal.

  6. If you are uncontainable everything will just fall in their proper places :)

  7. I agree with what you said. We just have to be brave so we can do the impossible. But with God's help and guidance, I believe we can do the impossible. There are no limits to what we can do and all we have to do is go for it. Thanks for this post. They are positive and helped me go with my day :)

  8. You lose nothing by being positive. I mean, despite being at the lowest of lows.. I still try my best to stand up, face my fears and move forward. :)

  9. Optimism is the key, but the most important thing is faith in God

  10. I envy those optimistic individuals, knowing they believe nothing is impossible. But I an a realistic person and I know my limitations, so if that is the case then not all will be possible. Opinyon ko lang po yun. :)

  11. All things are possible in God's time and of course, act and don't just wait in one corner.

  12. Simple tip. Always look at things in a wider and positive perspective.

  13. the only impossible thing is when you don't do the possible thing.. :)

  14. I remember a photo I shared in Special Education Philippines Fan page that says "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree. it will live its whole life believing that its stupid."

    I guess it is connected to my perception of what is impossible. Some may say that to claim everybody is a genius is impossible. But I think its possible if you will focus on what are of learning you are a genius of. There are multiple intelligences in this world and to say that a person who is has above average interpersonal skills is as genius as the next child prodigy. For them to be considered both geniuses in their own accord is not impossible. :P


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