Gemma's Books on Amazon

Gemma's Books on Amazon
Gemma's Books on Amazon

Reading and Loving It!

I love to read.

Growing up, I would just be in my room reading whatever book is available.

We have a mini library at home, super-mini but it was all powerful books. The books mom compiled  and collected for us to read are all books on living, loving and learning.

I remember authors like Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie and Norman Vincent Peale among others.

I have grown to love libraries; at least checking books out! Lol!

When I was working in Makati, Phils; it was a bonus that our office was near National Bookstore! I got to spend my excess lunch minutes just browsing Self-Help books. There I found some more powerful authors like Leo Buscaglia; Wayne Dyer; Andrew Matthews, our very own Bo Sanchez,  among others.

Up until now, I still try to read as much as I could; and am passing the habit to my kids.

There is just so much power in the written word. Reading allows us to broaden our horizon; look beyond our own "boxes"; get to know ourselves more and learn about our power within.

These authors influenced and changed my life and they continue to do so!!!

They are the reason why I continue to write - to inspire and change lives too! Who knows one day, I'll also just decide to have all these printed and published!

There's this website that I know that could do just that!!! Conquest Graphics!!!

They offer customers a lot more than just top-quality, full-color printing at discount prices. They are a one-stop shop for all of your marketing communications needs.

They can do all kinds of printing! From booklet printing, newsletter printing, calendar printing, brochure printing, magazine printing, poster printing.. name it, they have it!!

Someday soon, I hope to meet Wayne Dyer; Andrew Matthews; Dalai Lama among others and be inspired!

... then maybe someday soon, people will also hope to meet me soon! - when I get myself published! Free dreaming!:))


  1. Reading is a great hobby as you always end up learning something new with different books.

  2. I used to like Andrew Matthews too, and Wayne Dyer :). I went through a Richard Bach phase as well.

    You'd probably think I have the best job in the world, since I'm a librarian ;).

  3. mitch albom? im not really into books but i love children's novels :)

  4. I grew up reading Sweet Valley books. From their kids, teens, high up to their university edition. I guess that affected or influenced my taste or preference with books. I love to read books that are in modern setting, something I might or could have experienced myself. I prefer to read something I can relate to, or something I think I will relate to. :)

  5. It's been a while that I haven't got the chance to read books, I mean to just sit down and read a book from start to finish, I used to that but parenting life, occupied most of my time :)

  6. My favorite author is always sidney sheldon but since he died. I begin to love tim lahaye and matthew jetkins, Danielle Steele.

  7. I'm not into books but I read pocket books though. :)

  8. I love the novels of Danielle Steel and Sydney Sheldon but unfortunately I stopped reading novels for more than a decade now. My eyes can hardly see the prints because of high myopia and high astigmatism.

  9. I'm pretty much a bookworm, and love books from all genres. Right now, I'm reading through Danny Iny's Naked Marketing. Highly recommended for those doing business online like me. As far as having a favorite author, I don't have a particular favorite. I love lots of them.


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