Gemma's Books on Amazon

Gemma's Books on Amazon
Gemma's Books on Amazon

I met an Atheist!

"C'mon Maria, there is no God!

I'm an Atheist. I don't go to church. There is no God!"

For the first time, in my entire life, I met an Atheist, in person!

I said, how can you not believe in God? There is life, life is God. Yes, he said, if life is God then I believe it, but not God, who is supreme power and directs our lives...

Just like Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy or God. There is no God. There is no Santa Claus. There is no Tooth Fairy.

He said, I'm not a bad person, I do my best. I give my all. I do what is necessary. I make things happen. But I don't believe in God. I don't have any church. I don't belong to any group.

He is a good person. He does his best, he is a kind man. He makes things happen and helps make the world a better place for him and the people around him.

Does it matter now, to me, what he does not believe in?

Will it matter now, to you, what he does not believe in?

Will I try to force him into making him believe there is one? To just prove my point? To let him know I am right? To make him realize I have all the answers? To judge he is wronged?


I believe in God. He does not.



-day 159

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