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Acknowledge Your Amazing Self and Past Successes - Day 17/30 #InfinitePossibilitiesProject

Day 17: Acknowledge Your Amazing Self and Past Success

It’s common to look at ourselves and our lives and see what’s not working, what we want to change, and what we think could be better. But how often do we look at ourselves and our lives and acknowledge what is working, what we are doing right, and what we love about ourselves? Every day we say and do things that are kind, compassionate, gentle, thoughtful, selfless, genuine, and truly beautiful… and we often don’t even realize it. Today, make a list of ALL the things you’ve done in the past 24 hours (big or small) that you’re proud of yourself for. This practice will make us more mindful of the difference we’re making in the world. 

For example: 

1. I smiled and said hi to people on my morning walk. 
2. I didn’t get stressed out during my commute. 
3. I was kind and compassionate towards my co-workers. 
4. I spoke up and shared my truth when I was asked what I thought. 
5. I nourished my body with healthy foods and activity.

It's time to acknowledge what's working well in our lives and know that in our own ways we're making a difference in the world!



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