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Script A Day In Your Future Life As If It Was Your Present Life - Day 18/30 #InfinitePossibilitiesProject

Day 18: Script A Day In Your Future Life As If It Was Your Present Life

Write a brief script for a scenario that you can later visualize. Let there be a number of elements included that imply success and happiness. When the script is complete, practice visualizing it—maybe tomorrow, first thing when you wake up in the morning, or in the shower, or on your morning commute… You can visualize it daily until it gets boring, and then create a new script. 

God has the most amazing plan for our lives! Let's allow Him to change us!

"... and as I close my eyes to sleep, I still can't help but smile. Big one. Thank you Lord for your awesomeness."

Here’s another example:
I wake up on a Sunday morning just as the sun is rising and I smile because the person I love is sleeping beside me. I get out of bed and make a cup of tea, then I sit down at my desk to put the finishing touches on my manuscript. Today I’m submitting the final draft to my agent (it will be my 4th book). This evening I’m flying to London to celebrate with my closest friends who are coming in from all over the world...

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