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Videos on Water Issues and Mimoi's Responses

Watch Mimoi's responses from the videos on water issues.

Safe clean water for school children in Kitemba, Uganda
Published on May 2, 2012
Children uprooted from their village in Kitemba, western Uganda, have no safe clean water supply at their school and are forced to share an unclean water source with animals. This causes diseases and infection. Watch this video and find out how you can help at

Water For Life: Bringing Clean Water to Thousands
Published on May 3, 2013 
In November 2012, Good Neighbors USA built a water well in Chad, Africa. This single well now provides clean water to 2,000 men, women, and children in the village of Tchouloumari. Children can attend school now instead of walking miles to fetch dirty and disease-infested water. 
To date, this is one of over 200 wells that Good Neighbors USA has built in Chad and we need your help to build more!  Visit to learn how you can help us bring clean water to thousands more.


Abuela Grillo
Animated short-film produced in The Animation Workshop in Viborg, Denmark. By The Animation Workshop, Nicobis, Escorzo, and the Community of Bolivians Animators and is supported by the Danish Government. Animated by 8 Bolivians animators, directed by a French, music by the Bolivian ambassador in France, composed by another french, a Danish project, helped for the production by a Mexican and German. Adapted from Mito Ayoreo

Water is a valuable resource, without it, where will we be?

Let's act together - conserve as much as we can and provide for those in need!

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