Gemma's Books on Amazon

Gemma's Books on Amazon
Gemma's Books on Amazon

I don't want!!!

I don't want to be poor.
I don't want to be old.
I don't want to be fat.
I don't want to be alone.
I don't want my color.
I don't want to be stuck in this job!
I don't want to have enemies.
I don't want to be sick.
I don't want this... I don't want that!

but the more we dwell on things WE DO NOT WANT, 
the more W E  W I L L  A T T R A C T  I T!

I repeat, the more we FOCUS on things, people, places WE DO NOT WANT, the more WE ARE CREATING those same things, people and places to come into our lives!
We cannot fight NEGATIVITY.
 It will always win! 
It is a total waste of time!

 I N S T E A D
Focus, dwell, picture, VISUALIZE
 things, people, places, events that 

Turn negative thinking to POSITIVE THINKING!

I am rich! I have lots of dollars!!!
I am eternally young!
I am slender, healthy and sexy!
I now move on to a better place.
I am peaceful.
I have good friends.

I am surrounded by friends, family and co workers who are supportive, committed and goal-oriented!

I am happy with my boss!
I love my wife/husband.
I am totally healthy!
I am filled with love and affection.

I choose my words, thoughts and actions wisely. 

I am free!

A matter of changing our VIEWS on life. 
A matter of shifting our thoughts to what works and what matters!

Nothing to lose. Let's try it together - Let's see our RESULTS!

Check out this excellent book on self-healing!

-day 97

My Dailies Collection