Gemma's Books on Amazon

Gemma's Books on Amazon
Gemma's Books on Amazon

I'm Back!

There was just too much going on especially after the wrath of Yolanda... that I felt it was better to keep silent and just do what needs to be done... not including, writing.

It's almost two months now, and I suddenly missed my blogs - My Dailies and Pinoy Teacher's Stories!

So, am pouring my heart out again... my never ending novela! lol!

When we left New Orleans, three years ago, and settled in New Mexico... I literally, settled, mind, body, heart and soul. I love where I am, I love my job and everything about Gallup. Maybe, I just got tired of moving from one school to another, that when for the first time, I've kept my position as an IEP Facilitator/Writer, running three years now, I want to hold on. I've suddenly resisted change. I've settled.

... when I shouldn't.

Change is good. But, I forgot about it. 

I thank God for His messengers for prodding me to challenge myself again. A friend insisted that I cut my losses. Another one pushed me to take the risk that could be the answer to it all; that God's delays are not only His denials, but it could also mean, He wants me to look at better options and that it is time to move out of my comfort zone and embrace change! and another friend, drilled me to it!

... and so, I've awaken. I'm back! :)

mmmm... let me stretch first! Lol!


My Dailies Collection