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Reflect On This Project- Day 30/30 #InfinitePossibilitiesProject

Day 30: Reflect On This Project
Take out your journal or power-up your computer! Below are some questions that are designed to help you reflect on this project and how it has helped you over the past 30 days, plus how it will help you going forward during the rest of the year. 

Remember the quote "Today is the first day of the rest of your life"? 

What Your Future Self Wants You To Know - Day 29/30 #InfinitePossibilitiesProject

Day 29: What Your Future Self Wants You To Know
This is another “act as if” activity. Picking up from yesterday’s activity, imagine your life 5 years in the future… imagine all you’ve learned, all you’ve experienced, and all the changes that have taken place. You are older, wiser, happier, and more at peace. From this perspective, write down at least 5 things your future self wants to tell your present day self to offer encouragement, wisdom, love and insight.

The future is promised to no one. Go for it!

Write A "Whoohoo!" Letter From Your Future Self- Day 28/30 #InfinitePossibilitiesProject

Day 28: Write A "Whoohoo!" Letter From Your Future Self
Write a letter from your future-self 5 years from now to you, today. Tell yourself about your recent successes, the dreams of yours that have come true, what you did to achieve them, how your life looks right now, and so on. Be sure to write this as if all your current dreams have been reached. If you have a deeper understanding about life, a greater sense of peace and happiness, a clearer vision of what’s important to you, be sure to include that as well!

I want my future self to smile. Today, I am ready to pay the price.

Write An "I Rock Because..." List - Day 27/30 #InfinitePossibilitiesProject

Day 27: Write An "I Rock Because..." List
The practice of celebrating our own accomplishments, character, charm, wit, decisions, and difference-making that we orchestrate on a daily basis is a ritual worthy of developing. See yourself! Today, write an “I Rock because...” list to celebrate your own beauty, power and savoir-faire, as well as the progress you’re making in all areas of your life.

I rock because I love me!

Put Your Manifestation Skills To Work - Day 26/30 #InfinitePossibilitiesProject

Day 26: Put Your Manifestation Skills To Work

Today choose something small that you want to manifest, and then do everything in your power to manifest it… while simultaneously allowing the universe to do everything in its power to bring it to you. This means you need to mentally see it, and then physically make space for it. If you want to manifest a smile from a stranger, vibrate that desire into the world. See it done in your mind, imagine receiving it. Then, go outside, put a smile on your face, say hello to strangers, be kind, be warm, be generous. If you want to manifest an invitation to an event: first imagine receiving it, then let your friends know you’re free this weekend, make some phone calls, send some messages, find out what’s going on. This activity reminds us that we are an essential part of the manifestation process, in mind and action. We must do all we can in order for the Universe to do all it can.

"The game of life is the game of boomerangs.
Our thoughts, deeds, and words return to us sooner or later,
with astounding accuracy."
--Florence Shinn
A must do.


Set An Intention For Your Day - Day 25/30 #InfinitePossibilitiesProject

Day 25: Set An Intention For Your Day

Setting an intention is a powerful practice and one that can make a big difference in our lives if we practice it regularly. Whenever you have something meaningful happening in your life, it helps to set an intention of what you hope to bring to that situation. Setting an intention allows our highest self to guide our thoughts, words, and actions. Today, take a moment to go within, listen, and set an intention of what you want to bring to your day. As you move through the day, allow your intention to guide you.

Dr. Wayne Dyers said "Our intention creates our reality".
While reading images, I saw the following lines
... Energy goes where intention flows

Write A Letter From An Admirer - Day 24/30 #InfinitePossibilitiesProject

Day 24: Write A Letter To Yourself From An Admirer

How often do you take the time to see yourself from other people’s perspectives? Let’s give it a shot. Pretend that you are someone else – one of your many friends, a loved one, your publisher, or a business contact. Write a letter as that person showering YOU with praise, love, and appreciation. There’s a reason why your friends and family love you as much as they do!

Here are some things you might include:

  1. Why you’re such a great friend/sibling/parent/child.
  2. What you bring to this world that’s unique to you.
  3. Why you’re an inspiration to so many people.
  4. What people love most about you.

I wrote this blog To Gemma @24 some 4 years ago. Indeed, it's all a matter of perspective!

Thank You! - Day 23/30 #InfinitePossibilitiesProject#InfinitePossibilitiesProject

Day 23: Thank You!

Gratitude is incredibly powerful. It’s an expression of thankfulness and appreciation of your life and the people in it. Plus, expressing gratitude is the same as expressing the sentiment, “I have received!” A very POWERFUL declaration on this plane of manifestation upon which we live! You can therefore express gratitude for the things you have, and thereby attract more, and/or you can express gratitude for the things you don’t yet have (but wish you did), as if you already had them, to thereby attract them!

List 10 “things” (tangible or intangible) that you are MASSIVELY GRATEFUL for (that are, or that will soon be, in your life). When your list is done, silently or audibly give and feel great gratitude for these things, and keep giving thanks for them in the days, weeks, and year ahead.

I have received!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

List 20 Things You Love To Do - Day 22/30 #InfinitePossibilitiesProject

Day 22: List 20 Things You Love To Do

This is a simple activity to remind yourself of the things that always manage to thrill you. On a sheet of paper write down 20 things you love to do (from the very simplest thing, like drinking a cup of coffee in the morning… to the most exotic, like visiting a foreign country). Then after you’ve made your list, commit to doing at least 3 of those things today. If you’re like us, you might be surprised to see how many of those things you already do on a daily basis.

I've listed things I love to do. 

Share The Future With A Friend - Day 21/30 #InfinitePossibilitiesProject

Day 21: Share The Future With A Friend: Speak of each other's wildest successes

This one requires a friend(s), on the phone or in person, who gets your way of seeing the world! In the unlikely event you have no such friend readily available, do it with your invisible, childhood friend, or perhaps with your reflection in the mirror.

The goal here is that the two (or more) of you are going to celebrate that your present dreams have already come true. Speak in the past or present tense! You go first, speak of your own dreams, and then congratulate your friend on the dreams you know they have, as if they too have already come true. After you’ve spoken for about 5 minutes, then it’s your friend’s turn to do the same, speaking of their own dreams, and then speaking of your successes. Get into the fun and elaborate details of all the expected and unexpected consequences that have come from the successes in each of your lives.

It was freeing to hear my husband, Dennis, speak of my dream just the other day. It was something new to my ears. I loved the feeling it created. It felt like it has come true already!

Knowing someone who believes in your dream makes a whole lot of difference! Swear!


Meet Your Future Peers - Day 20/30 #InfinitePossibilitiesProject

Day 20: Meet Your Future Peers

Who are some of the people who’ve accomplished what you now dream of accomplishing? Make a list in your journal of 10 to 20 names, and somewhere within that list include your name. This simple process of associating your name with theirs will remind you that what they’ve done, anyone, including you, can do. Why not? They started out where you started out—a novice, an amateur, a dreamer! We’re all made of the same stuff, the most significant difference between us (really the only difference between us), is our thoughts, words, and actions – and these can be changed, experimented with, and chosen in ways that serve us. Make your list, have fun, imagine “rubbing shoulders” with these future peers of yours, and the day will come when others, inspired by you, will include your name on their list!

As soon as the trainers ended the seminar for our school in the province, I approached one of them. I told one of the guys, I want what they were doing and asked him how I'll be able to do that! He smiled, and he told me to join Toastmasters Club.

That summer I resigned and decided to move to the financial center of our country - Makati, Philippines, and started my quest to finding my mentors, them.  

Determined, I picked a club nearest my location and on my own, courageously attended one of their meetings. Guess who was part of the same club? them. They all became my mentors.

Nothing is by accident or chance. It's all for a purpose, always.

Imagine How Others Will Benefit From Your Dream - Day 19/30 #InfinitePossibilitiesProject

Day 19: Imagine How Others Will Benefit From Your Dreams

We often imagine how we will benefit once our dreams come true, but we rarely imagine how our friends and loved ones will benefit once our dreams come true. Today, choose 2 or 3 people in your life who love you very much, and visualize how your happiness and success will impact their lives. How proud will they feel of you? What will they learn from your bravery? What will it inspire them to do? When you finish this visualization, write down what feelings you experienced from their perspective. This is a powerful tool for manifestation and one that you can practice anytime.

God sent me a new mentor. I am grateful, really grateful! I feel more closer to my dream!

He sent me a book with an awesome message. While browsing the book, Mymy said, "Mom, look acknowledgments! I think with yours you should put, with deepest gratitude to Dennis, Mymy, Mimoi.." and I blurted, "and the guinea pigs!"

She said "Oh yeah!" and was happy with the idea! Lol.

She's been obsessed on wanting to have four guinea pigs which she will name, Candy, Ninja, Tootsie and Dino.

Oh well. 


Script A Day In Your Future Life As If It Was Your Present Life - Day 18/30 #InfinitePossibilitiesProject

Day 18: Script A Day In Your Future Life As If It Was Your Present Life

Write a brief script for a scenario that you can later visualize. Let there be a number of elements included that imply success and happiness. When the script is complete, practice visualizing it—maybe tomorrow, first thing when you wake up in the morning, or in the shower, or on your morning commute… You can visualize it daily until it gets boring, and then create a new script. 

God has the most amazing plan for our lives! Let's allow Him to change us!

Acknowledge Your Amazing Self and Past Successes - Day 17/30 #InfinitePossibilitiesProject

Day 17: Acknowledge Your Amazing Self and Past Success

It’s common to look at ourselves and our lives and see what’s not working, what we want to change, and what we think could be better. But how often do we look at ourselves and our lives and acknowledge what is working, what we are doing right, and what we love about ourselves? Every day we say and do things that are kind, compassionate, gentle, thoughtful, selfless, genuine, and truly beautiful… and we often don’t even realize it. Today, make a list of ALL the things you’ve done in the past 24 hours (big or small) that you’re proud of yourself for. This practice will make us more mindful of the difference we’re making in the world. 

For example: 

1. I smiled and said hi to people on my morning walk. 
2. I didn’t get stressed out during my commute. 
3. I was kind and compassionate towards my co-workers. 
4. I spoke up and shared my truth when I was asked what I thought. 
5. I nourished my body with healthy foods and activity.

It's time to acknowledge what's working well in our lives and know that in our own ways we're making a difference in the world!



Dabble, Experiment with and Discover Rituals that please you- Day 16/30 #InfinitePossibilitiesProject

Day 16: Dabble, Experiment with, and Discover Rituals that please you.

A ritual is simply an observance or practice that is always performed in the same way each time. We perform rituals every day, whether we realize it or not—brushing our teeth, taking a shower, eating breakfast are all rituals that contribute to our health. There is lots of evidence that even simple rituals can have a profound effect on our thoughts and feelings. Today, set out to discover a new ritual to perform daily. Let this be a ritual that you can easily maintain in the days and weeks ahead—something small that contributes to your sense of peace and well-being.  


I always irritate Dennis every morning. Why? Because I would be rushing to get out of the house or end up late to my destination. 


He doesn't like that at all. He's an advocate of not just being on time but being way ahead of time. He said it's better to be there 15 minutes early and relax than rush and be stressed.


I was unaware that my habits and routines have become sort of rituals. A not so good one. 


Two weeks ago I took a licensing exam. I knew I'd be testing at 11am but my mind just put it on the back burner and kinda miscalculated the time I should leave the house.  

So, I was still reviewing up until 10:40am. At 10:45, Dennis casually asked, "what time is your exam?" I rushed to the paper I printed and saw 11am and I wasn't even dressed nor have brushed my teeth yet!!!


Send Thoughts of Love- Day 15/30 #InfinitePossibilitiesProject

Day 15: Send Thoughts of Love

Author Pam Grout says, “You can literally uplift your world by lasering love, blessings, peace, and other high-frequency emotions to the people in your lives.” Today, let’s practice this and see what happens by sending thoughts of love, blessings, and peace to other people as we go about our day—the stranger in the elevator, your co-workers, the cashier at the grocery store, the driver who cuts you off in traffic (especially to this person, and all who disappoint you!), the homeless person on the street corner. Start thinking to them, laser beam style, “I love your smile,” or “I love the energy you put into what you do,” or “I love the strength I see in you.” You don’t need to say a single word, the people around you will feel the energy of your thoughts and your love will be passed on vibrationally. At the end of the day, maybe reflect in a journal about how it felt.

We are spiritual beings and sometimes, we find ourselves at the same wavelength with others and communicate at that level.

Dennis was a seaman when I met him, and just a couple of weeks after I met him he left to work again. I guess we’d be at the same wavelength every time because I’d be thinking of him, and in my mind, I will tell him I miss him and to please call me… and guess, who’ll be calling that very minute? Yup, him.

This happened a lot of times, I even told me friends about it, and they’d witness the call! It was really surreal!

But yesterday, I dialed his number, he picked up, and yet, he didn’t speak.

Create a Mock Calendar or Daily Planner- Day 14/30 #InfinitePossibilitiesProject

Day 13: Create a Mock Calendar or Daily Planner

Today, using a real calendar, planner, or online calendar, fill in the days with events, trips, appointments, parties, dates, and holidays that you want to create for yourself in the year ahead. This is a super fun way to get creative and envision new things happening in your life. After you’ve filled it out, hang it somewhere that you’ll see on a regular basis to remind you of all the wonderful things you’re about to experience this year.

It is one thing to think about it, it is another thing to solidify it!

Maybe, planning out the details - "monthly", will make our dreams more real! 

Maybe, God is waiting for us to take this baby step... as He allows the roots to grow great depths behind our backs! 

Maybe, dreams do come true!

I still love my ex.

Random Acts of Kindness- Day 13/30 #InfinitePossibilitiesProject

Day 13: Random Acts of Kindness

Pay someone’s bill, smile to a stranger, call someone in trouble, encourage someone feeling down, give a big tip, there’s no end to the fun you can have. You might even reach out to someone you don’t know who’s also participating in this project and encourage them to keep going by leaving a comment on their latest social media post! Just search Hashtag #InfinitePossibilitiesProject on Facebook or Instagram. Today is simply about spreading the love and encouraging others to follow their hearts and do what they love.

One of the means to trigger a beautiful end is random acts of kindness. 

There is rippling effect to the deed! Try it!  

Plan Your Celebration - Day 12/30 #InfinitePossibilitiesProject

Day 12: Plan Your Celebration

How will you celebrate your transformation once your dreams start coming true? Come up with a celebration PLAN! Write it out, get into the nitty-gritty details. Then put it somewhere special and make a promise to yourself that when your dream comes true you will treat yourself to this celebration. 

I love this quote from the movie, Facing Giants, "God will send the rain when He's ready. You need to prepare the fields to receive it." 

It is when our hearts are ready to receive God's blessings that will make it happen for us. 

I believe preparing the fields also includes planning the celebration! Not merely as wishful thinking but having that 'certain knowing' that it will come soon!


Fill Your Life With Empowering Resources - Day 11/30 #InfinitePossibilitiesProject

Day 11: Fill Your Life and Surround Yourself With Empowering Resources

Surrounding yourself with resources that inspire and motivate you is extremely valuable… especially when it comes to starting off a new year with new goals and new ambitions. Get out your journal and make a list of resources that can help to inspire and motivate you this year.

There is always something to learn... 


Choose A Mantra/Affirmation for Each Area You Wish To Transform- Day 10/30 #InfinitePossibilitiesProject

Day 10: Choose A Mantra/Affirmation for Each Area You Wish To Transform!
A mantra or affirmation is a word or a phrase that can be repeated over and over to express a belief that you want to embrace and claim as your own. Come up with a mantra that will instill a belief you want to own in your life right now. It can even be one of the beliefs you wrote down in the last activity. Get into the practice of repeating these words or phrases every day (as often as you need to hear them) as reminders to yourself.

Like last song syndrome, some words will just get stuck in our heads. The only difference with this one is that we choose the words that we want to get stuck in our heads, and we want to repeat those words over and over and over until it's part of us.

This 2016, here's my mantra...

Choose Beliefs That Serve You in Each Area You Wish To Transform - Day 9/30 #InfinitePossibilitiesProject

Day 9: Choose Beliefs That Serve You in Each Area You Wish To Transform
Our beliefs are powerful! It’s our beliefs that determine what we think, what we say, and what we do at any given moment, thus creating our reality. Today, take a few moments to choose beliefs that serve you in each area of your life that you wish to transform, and/or, jot down more general beliefs that will have an impact on the whole of your life. 

Yes, we can always choose our beliefs. That's what I believe in! 

Here's my favorite!

Identify and Change A Story You Tell - Day 8/30 #InfinitePossibilitiesProject

Day 8: Identify and Change A Story You Tell
Sometimes we get so caught up in the stories we tell ourselves and others about our lives that before long these stories become our truth (or what we believe is our truth). Today, take a serious look at the stories you’ve been telling and choose to start telling a new, more empowering story. Promise yourself that you’ll practice telling your new story every time you’re asked about yourself.

This is fun! To weave stories of positivity, hope and dreams achieved!

"My life really blasted off in 2016 when I started looking forward instead of back, while enjoying one day at a time in the present. That’s when I… {complete the narration}!” 

Play Detective - Day 7/30 #InfinitePossibilitiesProject

Day 7: Play Detective - Hear Your Words, Watch Your Actions, and Flip What Needs Flipping!

Let's play detective by paying attention to what you hear yourself saying (in thought or word) and observing all you’re doing. 

We want to get a handle on some of your subliminal inner messaging. When you don’t like what you’re signaling or a “story” you may be telling, then deliberately, patiently, and lovingly craft a counter measure (a new phrase or story) to immediately put to use. Continue until the day arrives when you no longer find yourself being your worst critic, but rather, your best friend.

Oh, this takes a lot of practice! Why? Because our thoughts, words and actions should match for our dreams to come true. Awareness is the key!

Plan, And Then Take, Baby Steps Toward Your Dreams - Day 6/30 #InfinitePossibilitiesProject

Day 6: Plan, and then Take, Baby Steps Toward Your Dreams
This activity is about planning what baby steps you can immediately start taking in the direction of your dreams. Things you can now physically do about making your dreams come true. 

In your journal or on a sheet of paper, write a dream at the top of the page. Then write down at least 7 concrete, baby steps that you can start taking in the days and weeks ahead to move towards it. Some of your steps may be very ordinary, some very creative and unusual. Just so you take the steps is what matters! 

Ask yourself: What else can I try? Where else can I go? What else can I do? Use additional sheets of paper, or journal pages, as necessary. Plan, and then take, some baby steps for all of your dreams and priorities, and never, ever stop.

The truth of the matter is unless we do something, anything, even if it's a little teeny weeny thing, nothing will happen.

We can stare all day at that apple hanging in the apple tree- we can believe, think hard, affirm with all our might and pray, but unless we stand up and pick it up, nothing will happen (well, maybe something will happen, but it will take forever!)

Visualize the Wows Not the Hows! Day 5/30 #InfinitePossibilitiesProject

Day 5: Visualize! Imagine a Day in the Life You Dream of Living
Imagine! Imagine a typical day in your life, at some point in the near future, as if your big priority areas for transformation in 2016, have already been completely transformed in the most exciting of ways. Don't worry about how such changes will come, or when, or through who, just that they did. Imagine sights, sounds, colors, and conversations from such a day. Imagine celebrating. Imagine the happy tears and "high fives." Imagine explaining the transformation to your friends. Imagine the inner peace you will have. 

What might your new priorities for change be? What might your new challenges be? Where might you live? How might you vacation? What type of friends might you have? Where might you hang out? What might you do for fun? Imagine all of these things, as you imagine you're living through them!

What if we spend 5 minutes daily on imagining our what ifs? 5 minutes daily on dreaming the life we want, 5 minutes everyday on feeling the joy of being, doing and having! ... and what if those 5 minutes are the key to unlocking the magic? 

Showcase Your Inspiration- Day 4/30 #InfinitePossibilitiesProject

Day 4: Showcase Your Inspiration

It's important to create visual reminders of what you're working towards. When you see your goal in front of you, day after day, it starts to become a part of your reality.

I've always been a fan of visual boards. Here are some samples at Pinoy Teacher Stories blog - My Vision Boards

Most of what I envision have come true, and I am really grateful for that. This year, here's what I have:

Get Into Details! Day 3/30 #InfinitePossibilitiesProject

Day 3: Get into the Details and Create a Passionate Sense of Excitement

Today we're going to be led by Day 1's priorities to the details that excite us. The juicy, sexy details that make our heart pound. We're thereby going to be ramping up an emotional connection to the areas we want to see change in. Make lists of the changes that will be drawn into your life, sights, sounds, colors, or the warmth of someone's hand in yours. Your lists don't have to be just of physical things, you can make note of and envision how much more productive you will be, creative, maintaining a great balanced life at home, work and play. Yep, this is like a vision board exercise using just words and lists.

What if writing the details trigger infinite possibilities? Will you do it?

I just wrote my list! What about you?

Create Your Theme - Day 2/30 #InfinitePossibilitiesProject

Day 2: Create Your "Theme" for 2016 

Reasons why we should create a "theme":

1) It helps us figure out what we want to focus on and create this year
2) It will help make a difference in how we approach our lives on a daily basis

Today, choose a theme for 2016 that resonates with you and write it down somewhere special, along with what that theme means to you. So if your theme is "adventure" that might mean: travel, trying new things, meeting new people, exploring new places, leaving your comfort zone, saying yes to new opportunities. 

From deep within, this will be my theme for 2016.

Know Your Priorities - Day 1/30 #InfinitePossibilitiesProject

Day 1: Get Clear About the Year 2016 - Know Your Priorities! 

Reasons why we should write our goals:

1) It forces us to clarify what we want and 
2) It motivates us to take action.

Today, write down at least 5 goals for 2016. Make sure to consider all areas of your life that are important to you: health, career, family, relationships, creativity, spirituality, travel, finances, etc. Then, once you are done, re-write your goals in order of their importance to you (highest on top).

After an hour of thinking about this, I've come up with the following general priorities for this year.

Thank you 2015!

Thank you 2015!

Love Your Life in 30 Days #InfinitePossibilitiesProject

Love Your Life in 30 Days #InfinitePossibilitiesProject 

Today, the 1st day of the year 2016, I join the Love Your Life in 30 Days! Infinite Possibilities 30 Day Project - TUT- The Universe Talks New Year's GIFT!

I am joining because I want 2016 to be a year that’s filled with possibilities for creativity, adventure, love, abundance, spiritual growth, health, and happiness beyond my wildest dreams! Come join us too! 

My Dailies Collection